Generic Work

Using Git and GitHub for Managing Metadata

Public Deposited

Using Git and GitHub for managing metadata (no new data models, we promise)This session is proposed as a two-part workshop

A workshop given at Samvera Connect 2017 described thus

The first will cover a modified version of the ‘Version Control with Git’ Software Carpentry lesson, tailored for a non-developer audience, with more focus on metadata. This is typically taught as a half-day (3 hour) workshop.The second part will focus on the use of Git and GitHub in the context of the metadata workflow. We will present examples and strategies, taken from recent work by UC Santa Barbara and UC San Diego, of version control, pull requests, and automated hooks and integrations as they relate to moving metadata through a workflow and into our repositories. In addition to these demonstrations, we hope to spend a good percentage of the time available in discussion with other interested institutions and how we might leverage our collective experience to make getting our metadata into our repositories easier, more consistent, and maybe even more fun!

Last modified
  • 07/24/2023
Date created
Resource type
  • 33ff816a-1205-46ac-b17e-5f8be7045bd1
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