TischLibr User-Dictated Ordering of Works in Hyrax Collections The Request QOur art faculty use our site, Trove, to create collections of images for use in class, and they’d like to order the images in the collection however they want, for class. The Problem Fedora 4 will be too performance heavy to manage arbitrary sorting of hundreds of works and subcollections. So we have to use something else. The Solution Use ActiveRecord to store the list of ids, accessible as a Rails model. Hook into dashboards to update our collection order arrays when item membership changes. Alter solr queries on collection pages to retrieve all records, and re-order as necessary. Travis Lilleberg: travis. lilleberg@tufts.edu Mike Korcynski: mike.korcynski@tufts.edu Implementation* 1. Create a migration and model to store a list of ids as an array in the db, and create a module that saves and retrieves orders from the Collection objects. {app/models/collection_order.rb db/migrate/create_collection_orde rs.rb app/models/concerns/collection_or der_support) 2. Create routes/methods for updating CollectionOrders, and find the places you'll need to patch to insert item-order updating. {config/routes.rb app/controllers/hyrax/dashboard/c ollections_controller.rb) Add a mechanism in the edit collection view to allow users to order the works manually. We used jQuery Ul Sortable to create an AJAX interface. (/app/assets/javascripts/sortable-wo rks, /app/assets/javascripts/sortable-sub collections) Extend Hyrax::Collections: :CollectionMember Service and alter query_solr to retrieve all works and then obey the CollectionOrder. (app/services/collection_member_serv ice.rb Department of History of At and xitecture * Download code at Alicia Morris: aficia.morris@fufts.edu UNIVERSITY