Tuesday 22nd| Plenary £.15-5.00 Contintental Ereak-ast & Registiation 00915 |welcome - hiark Bussey 915550 |State of the Hydra - Tom Cramer 9.50-10.10_|Hydrain a box - Mark Hatienzo, Hannah Frost and ano 10:10-10:30 | Sufia+PCDM roadmap - Hike Giarlo and Jon Stroop 11:10 Interest and working groups - reports as lightning talks - Part 11:90-11.20 |Avalon demonstration and roadmap - Jon Dunn 11.30-11.50 Unpacking Service hanagement: Roles. Responsibiliies. Resuls - Patricia Hwse & Tony Navarette 11.50-12.10 Security, Accessibility (508). and Change Hanagement : what we've learned as managers and developers - Linda Newman and others 12.10-12.30 Interest and working groups - Part Il Gine rinute new institution introductions Poster "Show and Tell - Fart | Gine rinute new institution introductions - second group Poster "Show and Tell - Fart I Reception: Cash bar and nibbles