Wednesday 23rd £.15-9.00 5.00-9.20 9.40-10.00 10.00-10.20 10.45-11.08 1148 Parallel sessions Contintental Ereakast & Registration Hacking the Hydra Community GecBlacklight - Discovery of Geospatial Cata in a repositcry Rekin Ruggaber and ark Bussey Jack Resd Ar Cata medelling based cn a standardized domain medel Sipity: A plugin-ready workflow applcation Christian Ertmann-Christiansen Jeremy Frissen Intreduction te Linked Cata Platferm (LCP} Wigraticn for managers Karen Cariani + panel Hecter Correa IIF and Hydra Available for lightning talks Jon Streep and Esmé Cowles Ereak Awailatle for lightning talks Linked data. URls. Iabels Trey Terrell Pertland Gommen Data Wedel — Intreducing Hydra-werks: PCOM for managers - what is it should in Hydra use it? Lnette Ragle Hark Bussey Wetadata WG Recommendations Dernystifying web-based design In-depth and process for non-designers and the art of good collaboration Karen Estiund, Esmé Conles, Carolyn Hansen Archives/EAD integration - examples and lessons learmed Wichael Tribone Hercules . the Hydra: Breaking A apart Curate and Sufia Ben Goldman and panel Jeremy Friesen Lunch Deploying Hydra ith Ansitle and AWS nna Headley and Alicia Cezine Available for lightning talks Available for lightning talks Deploying Hydra on Docker Hahria Lebow DeOps for Hydra Erin Fahy ECHIASCript § is now: The next sersicn of javascriptis here Justin Coyne Testing our JavaScript with Jasmine Hector Gorrea cessibilty in BlacklightiHydra ks Tribone + panel