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Samvera tech 101

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New to Samvera? Welcome! We understand how steep the learning curve may seem when getting started. Samvera 101 is an introductory presentation that will cover fundamental principles with a sampling of common topics and definitions used within the Samvera stack and community. Framework topics include discussions around

Rails, Sidekiq, Data Stores, Fedora, Solr, Blacklight, etc. While application level topics include discussions around

Avalon, Hyrax, Hyku, etc. Like a prerequisite class, this talk is designed to prepare developers and community members for success! Attendees will leave having a greater understanding of Samvera's components and how they come together to create a Samvera application. The 'Related URL' below links to a YouTube recording with closed captioning.

A presentation given at Samvera Connect 2020 On-line described thus

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  • 07/24/2023
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