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Dear Valkyrie, do I have to die to enter Hyrax-halla? A journey to valkyrizing our Hyrax models

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Resource models. This will include information on the major changes that were made, descriptions of gotchas and workarounds, and a look at how close we are to being able to use any Valkyrie storage adapter. I’m hoping to include benchmark data as well to compare the various adapters. The 'Related URL' below links to a video recording of the session. The video has closed captioning.

A presentation given at Samvera Connect 2020 On-line described thus

I will talk about the process I went through (and possibly am continuing to go through) to convert our Hyrax application’s ActiveFedora

Base object models to Valkyrie

Ultima modifica
  • 07/24/2023
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  • 71c893d9-086d-4cdc-a904-ae01be59f720
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