Search Results

3. Hydra: the 35,000ft view!

4. Avalon: strategies for sustainability

5. Hydra, research data and Archivematica

6. Virginia Tech Libraries

8. The Mexican Experience

9. Building software to support the research community's data curation and preservation needs and Data Conservancy

10. It's not a snappy turtle and Hydra-in-a-Box Update

11. State of the HydraSphere (2016)

13. Hydra, research data and Archivematica

14. Bringing Fedora into the Active Research Lifecycle using the Open Science Framework

15. Case Study: Oregon Digital Migration from CONTENTdm to Hydra for digital collections

16. Building a geospatial repository with GeoConcerns

17. Efficient development and deployment of Hydra projects using Vagrant

18. Hydra for Cultural Heritage and Beyond the Institutional Repository

19. Fedora: Foundational Considerations

20. More Recent progress on