Search Results

2. Work Estimation Records

5. Samvera - Introduction to Community, Technology, and Value

6. Deploying a custom Hyrax on Azure with Terraform and Kubernetes from a standing start

7. Advancing Hyku Project

8. Controlled Vocabulary Options in Hyrax

9. Scholarsphere is Dead. Long Live Scholarsphere!

10. Iterating on a Hiring Process

11. Let’s build one repo for data and documents with Hyrax

12. Hyrax

13. How to Write Module-Based JavaScript with RequireJS and the AMD (Asynchronous Module Definition) Pattern

14. Extending Fedora: API-X and Import/Export

15. Using Git and GitHub for Managing Metadata

16. Managing Samvera-based Projects and Services

19. Hyrax as a Publishing Platform: An Update on Fulcrum