Search Results

22. Samvera Partner Meeting March 2017: Program

23. Samvera: Introduction to Community, Technology and Value

24. Samvera Virtual Partner Meeting April 2020: Program

25. Samvera Virtual Partner Meeting April 2020: Program

26. An update from the Steering Group

27. Samvera Partner Meeting March 2018: Program

28. Hydra: future development: A Hydra roadmap...

29. Hydra in Hull

30. Hydra: working together: How the community operates

31. Hydra in Hull

32. A Case Study on General Repository Applications

33. Using Hydra's flexibility to manage datasets

34. Towards a mature, multi-purpose repository for the institution...

35. Hydra in Hull

36. Content models in the Hydra Project

37. Case studies in workflow: Three approaches

38. The REMAP Project: steps along the way to a repository-enabled information environment

39. From Hydra to Samvera: An open source community journey

40. Towards a repository-enabled scholar's workbench: RepoMMan, REMAP and Hydra