Search Results

1. "Headless" Metadata for Library Discovery: NYU's Ichabod Project

2. Hydra for Cultural Heritage and Beyond the Institutional Repository

3. Hydra, research data and Archivematica

4. Dear Valkyrie, do I have to die to enter Hyrax-halla? A journey to valkyrizing our Hyrax models

5. Extending preservation functionality in Hyrax 3, Fedora 4, and AWS

6. Supporting collaboration in Hyku: Workflows, tools, and design

7. All the roads to Figgy: A tour of ingest workflows

8. Building a GLAM ecosystem: Human and machine collaborations for digitized collections

9. Shifting Gears

10. Meadow: An introduction to Northwestern University's new digital repository application built with Elixir, React, and GraphQL in the middle