Search Results

3. Advancing Hyku Project

4. Deploying a custom Hyrax on Azure with Terraform and Kubernetes from a standing start

5. Controlled Vocabulary Options in Hyrax

6. Work Estimation Records

7. Scholarsphere is Dead. Long Live Scholarsphere!

8. Iterating on a Hiring Process

10. Let’s build one repo for data and documents with Hyrax

12. Samvera - Introduction to Community, Technology, and Value

14. Hyrax

18. Hydra and Research Data Management

19. Building a Better Community: and Collaborative FLOSS development across national boundaries

24. Reports from Interest and Working Groups

26. Hydra in a Box

28. Security, accessibility (508) and change management: What we've learned as managers and developers

32. DPLAH: A Hydra-Based DPLA Service Hub Model

33. The Digital Repository of Ireland

34. Tufts Digital Repository: Broad Demands Present Scalability Hurdles

36. Archivematica as part of a Hydra preservation workflow in Hull

37. Hydra Metadata WG

39. Linked Data, Labels, URIs

41. Geospatial Data in Hydra: Modeling Geospatial Resources Using GeoConcerns

44. Getting Data Preservation in Front of the Research Data Lifecycle and CurateND and the Open Science Framework:

48. Using Git and GitHub for Managing Metadata

49. How to Write Module-Based JavaScript with RequireJS and the AMD (Asynchronous Module Definition) Pattern

50. Extending Fedora: API-X and Import/Export