Search Results

2. Work Estimation Records

5. Samvera - Introduction to Community, Technology, and Value

6. Oregon Digital: Hyrax Analytics

9. Persistent identifiers to connect research in Shared Research Repository and beyond

10. Piloting Hyku

11. Hydra and Research Data Management

12. Building a Better Community: and Collaborative FLOSS development across national boundaries

13. Digital Collections: Indiana University's Digital Image Repository

14. A Fixity Health Dashboard

15. Digital archives infrastructure at the University of Hull

16. User-Dictated Ordering of Works in Hyrax Collections

18. Avalon: New Features and Direction

20. Deploying a custom Hyrax on Azure with Terraform and Kubernetes from a standing start

21. Advancing Hyku Project

22. Controlled Vocabulary Options in Hyrax

23. Towards a Preservation-First Repository

24. Scholarsphere is Dead. Long Live Scholarsphere!

25. Iterating on a Hiring Process

26. Let’s build one repo for data and documents with Hyrax

28. Hyrax

30. Allinson Flex

31. Supporting Digital Collections and Discovery

33. Reports from Interest and Working Groups

34. Hydra in a Box

39. Security, accessibility (508) and change management: What we've learned as managers and developers

43. DPLAH: A Hydra-Based DPLA Service Hub Model

44. The Digital Repository of Ireland

45. Tufts Digital Repository: Broad Demands Present Scalability Hurdles

47. Archivematica as part of a Hydra preservation workflow in Hull

48. Hydra Metadata WG

50. Geospatial Data in Hydra: Modeling Geospatial Resources Using GeoConcerns